Export to Excel

In order to enter prices for offers quickly and conveniently, GAEB tenders in the formats mentioned below can be transferred to Microsoft Excel© with a mouse click using GAEB-Online 2025.

GAEB, GAEB XML, P83, D84, GAEB 2000, GAEB 90, Excel, Exel, D84, RTF, Angebote, LV, Word, Leistungsverzeichnis, Leistungsverzeichnisse, LVs, Ausschreibung, Vergabe, Abrechnung, OpenOffice

When exporting to Excel© the item numbers, short texts, quantity, unit, unit price and total price are transferred from the GAEB tender to Excel©. In Excel© you can of course edit and format the data as usual.

Enter prices

The offer prices for the corresponding positions can then be entered directly in Excel©. The total amounts of the items and the totals for the LV groups are calculated automatically. Despite this automatic calculation, the table in Excel© can be freely formatted, i.e. if you need new columns for additions or deductions, for example, you can enter them in Excel© as usual.

GAEB, GAEB XML, P83, D84, GAEB 2000, GAEB 90, Excel, Exel, D84, RTF, Angebote, LV, Word, Leistungsverzeichnis, Leistungsverzeichnisse, LVs, Ausschreibung, Vergabe, Abrechnung, OpenOffice


in Excel

With GAEB-Online 2025 you can carry out your calculation directly in Excel©. To do this, transfer the GAEB invitation to tender to a calculation template in Excel©, calculate your bid prices there

and use GAEB-Online 2025 to create an electronic bid submission as GAEB DA84.

GAEB-Online 2025 Excel Vorlage

Text additions

in Excel

Text additions (bidder details) are exported from the GAEB file to Excel by GAEB-Online 2025 and can be easily entered there. When importing prices from an Excel file, bidder details entered in Excel are also transferred to the GAEB file.

Import from Excel

You can import unit prices and bidder details from a Microsoft Excel© spreadsheet (XLSX format) into GAEB-Online 2025 and generate an electronic tender submission as GAEB DA84


Totals sheet in Excel

When exporting a GAEB tender to Excel©, a summary sheet is automatically generated. In this sheet, all prices entered in the tender are added up and displayed for the group levels available in the tender (e.g. trades and titles). In this way, you always receive an immediate overview of the offer you have created.


Excel versions

You can perform these functions with all Excel© versions from Excel© 97 onwards.

Of course, in addition to Excel© 97, Excel© 2007, Excel© 2010, Excel© 2013 and higher and also the new Excel© from Microsoft 365 is supported.

10.000 positions in a few seconds

Exporting a GAEB tender to Microsoft Excel© takes just a few seconds. On a computer with Windows 8.1, exporting a GAEB tender with 10,000 items takes only a few seconds.

GAEB 90, GAEB 2000 and GAEB DA XML

GAEB-Online 2025 processes the output formats of 1985, 1990, GAEB 2000 and GAEB DA XML in version 3.2. The differences between the various GAEB formats are described here!


You can order GAEB-Online 2025 for only 120,- EURO

plus VAT as a single user licence via a secure page directly here. The single user licence is bound to one computer via an activation key. The licence can be transferred by the user to another computer.

Buy GAEB-Online 2025 for 120,- EUR

This offer is directed exclusively at entrepreneurs, dealers or traders who are acting in the exercise of their commercial or self-employed activity when making the purchase. All prices stated are net prices, plus the currently applicable statutory value-added tax.

If you have purchased a licence of the current software generation - currently GAEB-Online 2025 - all updates for this software generation are free of charge. If there is an upgrade to a new software generation, you can purchase it at a reduced upgrade price.