With a DA84 file (DA84 for data type 84) offers can be transferred electronically to the tendering party.
DA84 files in the output format GAEB 90 (*.D84) and often also in GAEB 2000 (*.P84) and GAEB DA XML (*.X84) contain no
•item types,
•short texts,
•units of measure and
•also no long texts.
DA84 files contain the item no. (OZ) and the price information EP and GB offered by the bidder. When opening a DA84, all prices are always displayed without calculation logic, because this information is not part of the DA84! A summation via the LV total in a DA84 (without the DA83) will therefore also always lead toincorrect results.
Therefore this information will also not be displayed when opening a DA84 file in "GAEB-Online 2023". If you want to view or check the contents of a DA84 quote file you have created again, use the Import prices from DA84 function.